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Medicare Group-Privacy Ordinance



作為你的醫生/護士/醫護人員,我們需要請你提供有關閣下的個人資料(包括健康資料),或向任何適當人士查詢有關閣下的醫療記錄及任何有關的資料, 為你的醫療服務之用,一般性的醫學用途或本院統計及審核用途。

當你提供這些個人資料時,請確保這些資料準確及完整。如果你不向我們提供所需的資料或你提供錯誤/不完整的資料,則可能會影響我們為你所提供的 醫療服務。你有權根據個人資料(私隱)條例第22條要求更改所提交的個人資料,詳情可致電2339 8805查詢。


 -  其他醫生/醫療人員,作為有關你醫療服務之用;

 -  法庭(如被傳訊)或法律指定的其他人士;

 -  香港衛生署(如有需要);

 -  本診所統計及審核用途。


除了上述的用途外,本診所也有意使用閣下的姓名及聯絡資料,以寄上有關的宣傳資料及/或聯絡閣下。在使用閣下的個人資料作此用途前,如閣下不同意本會使用閣下的個人資料作此用途,可電郵至 或 致電2543 3296聯繫。

Declaration for Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance 

Please read this notice before you provide any personal data to us.

As your doctors/nurses/health care providers, we have to ask you to provide your personal data (including health information) or obtain from any appropriate third  party your medical history and any relevant information for your treatment, health care or clinic statistical and audit purposes.

When you provide personal data to us, please make sure that the data is accurate and complete. If you do not provide us with the information required or if the  information provided is inaccurate or incomplete, our ability to provide appropriate treatment/health care to you may be  affected. Requests for the necessary correction to the data can be made by phone at 2339 8805 in accordance with Section 22 of the Ordinance. 

We take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure that your Personal Data are protected against unauthorized or accidental access or use.  However, please note and accept that your personal data may be made available to:

 -  Other doctors/health care providers who require it for purposes related to your health care;  

 -  The Court if ordered, subpoenaed, or to such other persons as required by law;

 -  The Department of Health, HKSARG where necessary;

 -  Clinic statistical and audit purposes

Use of personal data for promotion:

In addition to the purposes set out above, Medicare Group intends to use your name and contact details for sending you  promotional materials and/or contacting you in relation to our latest promotion.  Should you find such use of your personal data not acceptable, please notify our team by email  or phone at 2543 3296.

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